Where does all your money go? Government, Banks, and Insurance – Let’s fix that.
There are 3 areas that are responsible for taking most of your money. Canada Revenue Agency or some other level of Government (Taxes), Banks (Interest) and Insurance Companies (Insurance).
We’re here to help you fix that problem and reduce the amount of money you pay in Taxes, Interest, and Insurance.
You pay tax on everything you earn. You pay tax on most everything you spend. You pay tax on the taxes you pay.
The Banks charge you interest on your mortgages, your vehicle loans, your credit cards plus they charge you fees for the privilege of doing business with them.
Plus, we insure everything we have. We insure our Income, (Disability Insurance) our Health (Medical Coverage & Critical Illness) our Lives (Life Insurance), Accidents (Workers Compensation and EI), and everything we own (Car Insurance, House insurance, Property Insurance, Business Insurance, and everything we owe (Mortgage Insurance, Personal Loan Insurance, Balance Protection, Payment Protection etc.)
So, when our team does a Cash Flow Plan for you, we begin to identify a huge amount of money leaving your family to support these 3 areas of your Finances: Canada Revenue Agency, Banks, & Insurance Companies.
Has anyone noticed who the authors or contributors to most of the Financial Planning Courses are? Would you believe Canada Revenue Agency, Bankers and Insurance Companies contributed the most? Don’t you think there is something a little odd about this? Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People. Any clues? The top tax bracket in BC for the higher income earners is 53.5%. This is for those hard working people who happen to earn over $222,420 per year.
Thank Goodness there is something we can do about this, but it requires you to change your way of thinking.
“If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you continue to get what you have always got.”
Isn’t it time for a Paradigm shift? When you change your attitude, everything looks different.
Steps to Financial Freedom
Our Services
Life Insurance, Travel Insurance, and Mortgage Insurance.
Manulife ONE
Manulife ONE Mortgage allows you to leverage the value of your home in order to unify your debt.
Cashflow Planning
Cashflow planning is all about making the most of the money you already have.
Becoming Your Own Banker
Our money mostly goes to taxes, interest, and insurance. We can fix that so you keep more of your money.
We protect families financially by preserving the value of your assets from the unexpected costs of a serious illness, disability, long term care need or premature death.
Manulife ONE
Manulife One Mortgage allows you to leverage the value of your house in order to unify your debt, pay less interest, pay less banking fees, and simplify your banking.
Cashflow Planning
If you feel like you are making good money and should be keeping more of it, if you want more life from the money you already have, and if you don’t know exactly what year you will be out of debt, you need a cashflow plan.
Becoming Your Own Banker
Problem: we pay too much taxes, our wealth does not grow fast enough, it’s hard to get out of debt, and it’s hard to increase our income. Answer: Become Your Own Banker.
Serving Our Clients
Allan L Johnson Insurance Services not only serves our clients through many forms of insurance that are available, but also provides several other mechanisms and tools to help our clients prosper. Click on any of the services above to learn more and to find out just how easy it is for you be more wealthy.
The Truth About Money
So many things that go on in the financial life of a typical person is setup to make sure the banks and other financial institutions are safe should something happen to you. How about setting YOU up for safety? Click below to read some of the myths and truths about money that you may not now.
Myths and Truths About Money